What Photography Means To me
What Photography means to me
As my brand new website is launched I wanted to take some time to speak right from my heart. I love having my work into the world and I believe so deeply in my message and intention as a photographer. Photography is not who I am, it’s not just a job, it’s not just an art. Photography to me is a service to humanity. I love making people happy with my images and my services. I truly feel I make a difference and ad to the value of other people’s lives. I love taking photos of my friends as they grow their families and having my photos in peoples homes. I love sending a photo to a friend of a good memory to help spark the excitement of a season change or big swell coming. Most important I love leaving behind in my wake an intentional path of people I believe in with a good message or an ethical business. Always flowing my passion and promising to support others in finding their path and passion. I believe everyone’s job in life to change the world being themselves. Whatever tool you use to do so do it I’m just so thankful I found mine in photography. I feel a deep responsibility as a photographer who speaks truths and beauty through my lens and I am honoured to carry this on my shoulders.
I could never decide what I want to do for a profession when I was growing up. I chose photography because I could be involved in everything. I loved diversity and could never just settle for one path. Photography is a tool that allows me to learn a lot of different things and work with a diverse range of people, talents, art, culture and places in nature. I was an introvert, quiet grounded observer and needed a lot of solitude to collect my thoughts and brew up my creativity. It drew me deeper into nature and beautiful clean pristine places. Following the seasons deeper, tuned in with the natural rhythms of the earth and my local environment. I now say when I am in the forest or on the beach or swimming with my camera in the river, ocean or lake that I’m in “my office”. The elements have become my best friends and the natural laws of nature have become my greatest teacher giving me strength to adapt and discern through the challenges in real life.
I always make it a priority to be friends with my clients. Build real lasting relationships. I take deep pride in the people I have worked with. I always promised myself to help my friends build up their businesses and use my skills to help. I always want people to know my intention so we can do ethical business and become friends and set roots as humans. Money is very important in our culture and I’m so thankful to all my loyal clients and new ones to come. You support me and my family and allow me to do more of what I love and I am so thankful. The true currency of life is doing what you love and supporting others in their passions. Making ethical choices and building a tribe that you can count on in health, relationships, and financially.
Thanks to my parents and family for always being there for me and supporting me, thanks to my partner for always putting up with me when our vacation turns into a photography mission…. but hey when the light is good you gotta take photos. Thanks to my true soul friends for always supporting me and choosing to hire me and purchasing my images. Thanks to my web team and my printing team and all the people who support and teach me the business side of things. I have been photographing professionally for 12 years and I feel like I am just getting started. I can truly say when you follow your bliss the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls. I have worked with so many amazing inspiring people and met so many beautiful talented humans that I would have never met if it wasn’t for my path as a photographer. I truly wish for everyone to find their true passion and calling in life. Thanks for all the beautiful memories looking forward to making so many more.
I appreciate feedback and am always open to learning new things about how to make my product better and have deeper meaning. Please leave comments below, share on your personal page. I ( we ) can ver do things alone , we always need support to get the message into the world.
Grounded and Grateful